Negotiation Consulting & Training


“Learning to Negotiate”

'Georg Berkel has set a high bar for himself - to provide a simple and pragmatic way of understanding the complicated topic of learning to negotiate - and has succeeded admirably. He takes us on a journey that explores the broad fields in which negotiation is practiced, and the equally broad fields of negotiation and learning theory. He does so, moreover, in a clear and conversational style that retains our attention and increases our knowledge, even as the subject matter becomes more and more complex. I could not recommend this book more highly.' Stephen B. Goldberg - Dispute Resolution Services, and Professor of Law Emeritus, Northwestern University

'Learning about negotiation is easy. Learning to negotiate effectively is hard. Georg Berkel’s new book offers valuable assistance. He selects and explains the most important concepts from forty years of published research. Then, he presents them from the learner’s perspective rather than the teacher’s perspective, using dozens and dozens of examples. I’ve reviewed hundreds of books and articles on negotiation. This one’s a keeper.' Larry Susskind - Vice-Chair, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School, and Founder of the Consensus Building Institute

'Of the negotiation textbooks I’m familiar with, this is by far the most compelling and entertaining! Even those who might think they know it all will benefit from reading it - Georg Berkel’s illustrations and examples are just perfect for moving the important stuff from the passive part of the brain to the active part. What a fine piece of work!' Manfred Schwaiger - Dean of Studies, Institute for Market-based Management (IMM), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

'Berkel brings a fresh voice and a fresh perspective to the classic strategic challenges fundamental to any successful negotiation. The book offers insightful analysis, memorable stories, and useful practical guidance that will benefit both novice and experienced negotiators alike.' Don A. Moore - Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Professor of Leadership and Communication, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

'Learning to Negotiate focuses on paradoxes inherent in negotiations, which give rise to tensions negotiators must wrestle with when deciding on strategies and tactics. How much should I focus on value creation versus value distribution? How cooperative versus competitive should I be? I have taught negotiations courses to business leaders and aspiring business leaders for more than a decade and these questions are at the heart of my teaching. How wonderful that this book addresses them head on and provides insights into how to think about and manage paradoxes and tensions throughout the negotiation process! The evidence Dr. Berkel presents is cutting edge, from leading scholars in the field, and the personal examples he provides about his experiences negotiating contracts and teaching negotiations are as engaging as they are informative.' Taya R. Cohen - Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, and President, International Association for Conflict Management

'Learning to Negotiate offers a useful guide to the steps of negotiation learning that builds on Berkel’s research and practical experience as a negotiator and as a negotiation teacher. A must-read for anyone willing to improve negotiation behavior and decisions.' Africa Ariño - Professor of Strategic Management, IESE Business School, University of Navarra

'In Learning to Negotiate, Berkel accomplishes something entirely new and refreshing: rather than just reviewing key findings from the negotiation literature, he provides aspiring negotiators with a practical toolkit for learning and applying these findings to their real-world deal-making. A great addition to our collective knowledge of negotiation - and an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to truly learn it.' Brian Gunia - Associate Professor, Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University, and author of The Bartering Mindset

‘This book not only provides a useful set of skills, but goes beyond to focus on how to use these skills to become a great negotiator. It provides readers an understanding of how to learn to negotiate, and is filled both with practical advice and memorable examples that illustrate how to practice and grow while overcoming biases that prevent learning. An important book for all negotiators.’ Cynthia Wang - Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations Executive Director of Kellogg's Dispute Resolution and Research Center

‘It provides a wealth of insights and practical examples. Current international negotiation research is comprehensively presented, and the focus on practical learning method makes the book unique.' Dr Hans-Uwe Neuenhahn - Lawyer Mediator, Chairman of the Board European Institute for Conflict Management (EUCON)

From ZKM 02/2021 (Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement, the Centrale für Mediation´s bi-monthly journal), April 2021:

ZKM Rezension LTM April 2021.png

German Armed Forces “Zeitschrift Für Innere Führung” 03/2021 - Die ,,IF – Zeitschrift für Innere Führung“ ist eine Fachzeitschrift der Bundeswehr, die sich vorrangig an militärische und zivile Angehörige der Bundeswehr richtet, sich als Forum für Debatten versteht und somit gegenüber Vertretern aus Politik, Wissenschaft, Bildung und Medien öffnet.